Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Maximo: Ghosts to Glory Storyboard Part 2

In Part One, Maximo had been betrayed and killed by the evil usurper to his throne, Achille. While in the underworld, the Grim Reaper offers him a deal... help him rescue the souls Achille has stolen and he'll keep bringing him back from the dead until his quest is complete. 

Maximo now travels to the kingdom to rescue the wise Sorceress' council from their powerful jailers. He has saved four of them and only has to rescue Persephone from Achille. As the heroes plan their rescue, Achilles springs a wicked trap!

Maximo has finally rescued all of the sorceresses and with their help, returns back to his castle. Achille has set-up the Great Drill to plum souls from the underworld to power his undead army. Maximo arrives for the final confrontation!

Will Maximo defeat Achille? Stay tuned for more behind-the-scenes storyboards from the classic Playstation 2 game!

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